Turning your messages into a presentationDownload a PDF of this Top Presentation TipDownload a PDF of this Top Presentation Tip
Communication is all about clarity
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Keep sentences short. Approach the presentation as if it’s an article in a mass-market paper or magazine. A good sentence length is 20-25 words. Most professional speechwriters keep their sentences even shorter!

Think about the overall length of the speech. You’ll speak at about 120-150 words per minute. So calculate the amount of time you have and the corresponding number of words you need.

Check your facts. You will soon lose the respect of your audience if they feel you don’t know your subject thoroughly.

Make a powerful opening statement, consider making it provocative!
A big, controversial statement at the start always gets the audience’s attention.

Think how you could show empathy with the audience, but only do it if you believe it will get them on your side.

Consider the shape of your speech. Know where the highpoints are in your presentation and hit them.

Create a close to your speech that summarises and captures the essence of what you want this audience to think, do or say differently.

Let the script reflect your style, your passion and your enthusiasm for the subject. Don’t let the script style strip you of your personality. The words have to sound like they’re coming from YOU, not someone else.
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